Flashboard create a admin dashboard based on configuration of loopback models. there are several settings and options on your models and user interface generation types and formats.

Project Configuration

There are some enviroment variable configs of project in api/config/dev.env.js

Variable Default Description
API_PORT 3000 API url port number
THEME carbon Admin dashbord theme [ default, light, dark, carbon, teal
LOGO src/assets/logo.png Your logo image source path displayed in admin
BRAND flashboard Your brand name displayed in admin
forbidden_download false Forbidden download any data from admin dashboard
disable_admin false disable admin dashboard and just use rest-full api only
lang en You can add or change your language keywords in src/langs/langs.js
rtl false RTL Support

Datasource Config

LoopBack models connect to backend systems such as databases via data sources that provide create, retrieve, update, and delete (CRUD) functions. LoopBack also generalizes other backend services, such as REST APIs, SOAP web services, and storage services, and so on, as data sources.
Data sources are backed by connectors that implement the data exchange logic using database drivers or other client APIs. In general, applications don’t use connectors directly, rather they go through data sources using the DataSource and PersistedModel APIs.

Basic procedure
To connect a model to a data source, follow these steps:

  1. Use the data source generator to create a new data source.
$ slc loopback:datasource
  ? Enter the data-source name: mysql-corp
  ? Select the connector for mysql: MySQL (supported by StrongLoop)

Follow the prompts to name the datasource and select the connector to use. This adds the new data source to [datasources.json](https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/datasources.json.html).

  1. Edit api/server/datasources.json to add the necessary authentication credentials: typically hostname, username, password, and database name.

For example:

"mysql-corp": {
    "name": "mysql-corp",
    "connector": "mysql",
    "host": "your-mysql-server.foo.com",
    "user": "db-username",
    "password": "db-password",
    "database": "your-db-name"

For information on the properties that each connector supports, see documentation for the specific connector under Connectors reference.

  1. Install the corresponding connector as a dependency of your app with npm.

For example:

$ cd <your-app>/api
  $ npm install --save loopback-connector-mysql

See Connectors reference. for the list of connectors.

  1. Use the model generator to create a model.
$ slc loopback:model
  ? Enter the model name: myModel
  ? Select the data-source to attach myModel to: mysql (mysql)
  ? Select model's base class: PersistedModel
  ? Expose myModel via the REST API? Yes
  ? Custom plural form (used to build REST URL):
  Let's add some test2 properties now.

When prompted for the data source to attach to, select the one you just created.

Note: The model generator lists the memory connector, “no data source,” and data sources listed in [datasources.json](https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb2/datasources.json.html). That’s why you created the data source first in step 1.
You can also create models from an existing database; see Creating models for more information.


Note: In addition to the connectors below that IBM/StrongLoop supports, community connectors developed and maintained by the LoopBack community enable you to connect to CouchDB, Neo4j, Elasticsearch, and many others. See Community connectors for more information.
The following table lists commercially-supported LoopBack connectors. For more information, see Database connectors and Non-database connectors.

Database connectors *Run all command in api directory
Connector Module Installation
IBM Cloudant loopback-connector-cloudant npm install --save loopback-connector-cloudant
IBM DashDB loopback-connector-dashdb npm install --save loopback-connector-dashdb
IBM DB2 loopback-connector-db2 npm install --save loopback-connector-db2
IBM DB2 for z/OS loopback-connector-db2z npm install --save loopback-connector-db2z
IBM Informix loopback-connector-informix npm install loopback-connector-informix --save
Memory connector Built in to LoopBack Not required; suitable for development and debugging only.
MongoDB loopback-connector-mongodb npm install --save loopback-connector-mongodb
MySQL loopback-connector-mysql npm install --save loopback-connector-mysql
Oracle loopback-connector-oracle npm install --save loopback-connector-oracle
PostgreSQL loopback-connector-postgresql npm install --save loopback-connector-postgresql
SQL Server loopback-connector-mssql npm install --save loopback-connector-mssql
SQLite 3.x loopback-connector-sqlite3 npm install --save loopback-connector-sqlite3
Other connectors
Email connector Built in to LoopBack Not required
Push connector loopback-component-push npm install --save loopback-component-push
Remote connector loopback-connector-remote npm install --save loopback-connector-remote
REST loopback-connector-rest npm install --save loopback-connector-rest
SOAP loopback-connector-soap npm install --save loopback-connector-soap
Storage connector loopback-component-storage npm install --save loopback-component-storage

Installing a connector

Run npm install --save <_connector-module_>
in your application api directory to add the dependency to package.json;
for example, to install the Oracle database connector:

$ cd <your-app>
  $ npm install --save loopback-connector-oracle

This command adds the following entry to package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "loopback-connector-oracle": "latest"

Creating a data source

Use the data source generator to create a new data source:

$ slc loopback:datasource

Follow the prompts to add the desired data source.
You can also create a data source programmatically; see Advanced topics: data sources for more information.

Data source properties
Data source properties depend on the specific data source being used. However, data sources for database connectors (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and so on) share a common set of properties, as described in the following table.

Property Type Description
connector String Connector name; for example:
  • “memory”
  • “loopback-connector-mongodb” or “mongodb”
  • “loopback-connector-mysql” or “mysql”
  • “loopback-connector-oracle” or “oracle”
  • “loopback-connector-postgresql” or “postgresql”
  • “loopback-connector-rest” or “rest”
  • “loopback-connector-mssql” or “mssql”
database String Database name
debug BooleanIf true, turn on verbose mode to debug database queries and lifecycle.
host String Database host name
password String Password to connect to database
port Number Database TCP port
url String Combines and overrides host, port, user, password, and database properties.
Only valid with MongoDB connector, PostgreSQL connector, and SQL Server connector.
username String Username to connect to database

Built-in model

Loopback provides useful built-in models for common use cases:

  • Application model - contains metadata for a client application that has its own identity and associated configuration with the LoopBack server.
  • User model - register and authenticate users of your app locally or against third-party services.
  • Access control models - ACL, AccessToken, Scope, Role, and RoleMapping models for controlling access to applications, resources, and methods.
  • Email model (see email connector) - send emails to your app users using SMTP or third-party services.

The built-in models (except for Email) extend PersistedModel, so they automatically have a full complement of create, update, and delete (CRUD) operations.

By default, only the User model is exposed over REST. To expose the other models, change the model’s public property to true in server/model-config.json. See Exposing models for more information. Use caution: exposing some of these models over public API may be a security risk.

User Model

The User model represents users of the application or API. The default model definition file is common/models/user.json in the LoopBack repository.
You must create your own custom model (named something other than “User,” for example “Customer” or “Client”) that extends the built-in User model rather than use the built-in User model directly. The built-in User model provides a great deal of commonly-used functionality that you can use via your custom model.
LoopBack does not support multiple models based on the User model in a single application. That is, you cannot have more than one model derived from the built-in User model in a single app.
For more information, see Managing users.

User Model Json:

Built-in user model file config exist in api/common/User.json :

  "name": "User",
  "properties": {
    "realm": {
      "type": "string"
    "username": {
      "type": "string",
    "type": {
      "type": "string",
      "uiType": "select",
      "default": "user",
      "options": [
          "value": "admin",
          "label": "Administrator"
          "value": "user",
          "label": "User"
    "password": {
      "type": "string",
      "required": true
    "email": {
      "type": "string",
      "required": true,
    "emailVerified": {"type":"boolean"},
    "verificationToken": {"type":"string"}
  "options": {
    "caseSensitiveEmail": true
  "hidden": ["password", "verificationToken"],

As you see, easily you can customize your users properties and options model.

Data Storage Config

The LoopBack storage component makes it easy to upload and download files to cloud storage providers and the local (server) file system. It has Node.js and REST APIs for managing binary content in cloud providers, including:

  • Amazon
  • Rackspace
  • Openstack
  • Azure

You use the storage component like any other LoopBack data source such as a database. Like other data sources, it supports create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations with exactly the same LoopBack and REST APIs.

The storage component organizes content as containers and files. A container holds a collection of files, and each file belongs to one container.

  • Container groups files, similar to a directory or folder. A container defines the namespace for objects and is uniquely identified by its name, typically within a user account. NOTE: A container cannot have child containers.
  • File stores the data, such as a document or image. A file is always in one (and only one) container. Within a container, each file has a unique name. Files in different containers can have the same name.

Default Storage Component

In your initial flashboard project you can see default storage component in /api/server/datasources.json you can see below json configs for storage component :

"container": {
  "name": "container",
  "connector": "loopback-component-storage",
  "provider": "filesystem",
  "maxFileSize":  "1000048576",
  "root": "uploads"

Creating a storage component data source

You can create a storage component data source either using the command-line tools and the /api/server/datasources.json file or programmatically in JavaScript.

Using CLI and JSON

Create a new data source as follows:

$ slc loopback:datasource
[?] Enter the data-source name: myfile
[?] Select the connector for myfile: other
[?] Enter the connector name without the loopback-connector- prefix: loopback-component-storage
[?] Install storage (Y/n)

Then edit /api/server/datasources.json and manually add the properties of the data source (properties other than “name” and “connector”.

For example:

"myfile": {
  "name": "myfile",
  "connector": "loopback-component-storage",
  "provider": "amazon",
  "key": "your amazon key",
  "keyId": "your amazon key id"

Using JavaScript
You can also create a storage component data source programmatically with the loopback.createDataSource() method, putting code in /api/server/server.js. For example, using local file system storage:


var ds = loopback.createDataSource({
    connector: require('loopback-component-storage'),
    provider: 'filesystem',
    root: path.join(__dirname, 'storage')

var container = ds.createModel('container');

Here’s another example, this time for Amazon:

var ds = loopback.createDataSource({
  connector: require('loopback-component-storage'),
  provider: 'amazon',
  key: 'your amazon key',
  keyId: 'your amazon key id'
var container = ds.createModel('container');

You can also put this code in the /api/server/boot directory, as an exported function:

module.exports = function(app) { 
  // code to set up data source as shown above 

Provider credentials
Each cloud storage provider requires different credentials to authenticate. Provide these credentials as properties of the JSON object argument to createDataSource(), in addition to the connector property, as shown in the following table.

Provider Property Example
Amazon provider: ‘amazon’ {

provider: ‘amazon’,
key: ‘…’,
keyId: ‘…’

key Amazon key
keyId Amazon key ID
Rackspace provider: ‘rackspace’ {
provider: ‘rackspace’,
username: ‘…’,
apiKey: ‘…’
username Your username
apiKey Your API key
Azure provider: ‘azure’ {
provider: ‘azure’,
storageAccount: ‘…’,
storageAccessKey: ‘…’
storageAccount Name of your storage account
storageAccessKey Access key for storage account
OpenStack provider: ‘openstack’ {
provider: ‘openstack’,
username: ‘…’,
password: ‘…’,
authUrl: ‘https://your-identity-service’
username Your username
password Your password
authUrl Your identity service
Local File Systemprovider: ‘filesystem’ {
provider: ‘filesystem’,
root: ‘/tmp/storage’,
maxFileSize: “10485760”
root File path to storage root directory.

Once you create a container, it will provide both a REST and Node API, as described in the following table. For details, see the complete API documentation.

Description Container Model Method REST URI
List all containers. getContainers(cb) GET
Get information about specified container. getContainer(container, cb) GET
Create a new container. createContainer(options, cb) POST
Delete specified container. destroyContainer(container, cb) DELETE
List all files within specified container. getFiles(container, download, cb) GET
Get information for specified file within specified container. getFile(container, file, cb) GET
Delete a file within a given container by name. removeFile(container, file, cb) DELETE /api/containers/:container/files/:file
Upload one or more files into the specified container. The request body must use multipart/form-data which the file input type for HTML uses. upload(req, res, cb) POST
Download a file within specified container. download(container, file, res, cb) GET
Get a stream for uploading. uploadStream(container, file, options, cb)
Get a stream for downloading. downloadStream(container, file, options, cb)

Integration with google analytics

I integrated google analytics too admin dashboard of flashboard and you can easily set some configuration to appear your reports on admin dashboard like below :

1. Login into your Google Analytics Account .

Under the Admin select your account, select View Settings, under basic settings you will see your View ID.
Define GOOGLE_VIEWID in env file and set your view id as first step.

2.Creating a service account .

  1. Open the Service accounts page. If prompted, select a project.
  2. Click Create service account.
  3. In the Create service account window, type a name for the service account, and select Furnish a new private key. If you want to grant G Suite domain-wide authority to the service account, also select Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation. Then click Create.
    Your new public/private key pair is generated and downloaded to your machine; it serves as the only copy of this key. You are responsible for storing it securely.

After download your json file put it on your node_module folder as google.json file.